Sunday, August 3, 2008

Lets Take Control of our Health

I was devastated when I first learned that I have an ovarian cyst which the doctor believes would only give me 5o% chance of conceiving unless otherwise I have the cyst removed immediately. Well that was 2 years ago. Thanks to natural and alternative medicines.

Natural medicine believes that our body not only has the power to heal itself but is also unable to work against itself. The key is to provide our body with the right tools to achieve this. These tools can be found in an unchallenged diet, fresh fruits and vegetables, water and techniques that support the body's own healing capacity. The process of healing is also one of learning and of growth.

Sadly, many of the treats fed today are full of junk and contribute very little to our over all well-being except obesity and long term health problems.
Lets take control of our health!
The road to regaining full health and vitality provides freedom of movement on all levels and is an exciting experience for all of us.


Scribbit said...

Healthy eating is such a big part of total health--you're right!

Steven said...

Totally agree. My breakfast every morning consists of a glass of spirulina, chlorella & maca pdr. in organic apple juice. My 5 yr old (6 next wk, who also has this in the morn.) has never had a soft drink, McDonalds hot dogs or any other "normal" junk food diet rubbish. Plus with regular detoxing, She (& I) have not been ill for well over a year, while all the other kids at her school come down with anything going around & she can run rings around them at play time. Plus she is a normal height (& weight) unlike the steroid fed kids these days (sorry getting carried away, my pet subject). Kahunaman63 :-))