Friday, August 15, 2008

Yeepey! It's Durian Fever in the City of "Land of Promise"

Who have ever been in the City of “Land of Promise”? Davao City is a-must-see and visit city if you want to tour in the Philippines.

Davao City has a great abundance of flowers and fruits. Month of August is it's “Kadayawan Festival” and this festivity has so much to offer not only to Dabawenyos but as well to foreigners and tourists who are now here and touring the city.

The King of all Fruits “ Durian” is in every fruit stand and you can see people in all walks of life buying and eating this very unique and delicious fruit.

As I walk down the city everyday, the odoriferous riot is everywhere. The smell? Yes, it smells like hell as they say..but wait… the fruit taste like heaven. Yes my dear it’s heaven’s taste hahaha..…don’t ask me why, -know what I mean. The first time I got to smell the fruit It made me dizzy, So Yucky! can’t stand it! However, as I am used to the smell, and tried eating it, -have found the most ever yummy fruit I have eaten so far.

FYI....“Durian is widely known in Southeast Asia as the “King of Fruits” because of its distinctive size, odor and husk. Some said it's an aphrodisiac. Durian was named to mean “ thorny fruit”. It's thorny and devilish outside but sweet, heavenly white meaty in the inside.

For promotion purposes, Durian planters and sellers will surely love and appreciate this (ha-ha-ha)… To foreigners and tourists down in the city, please don’t leave Davao without having to taste Durian. It will surely be a great food trip experience of having to eat an exotic fruit like Durian.


Mommy Liz said...

I've tried the candies, but not fresh. I've heard that it does have a distinctive smell, too bad, I haven't savored the smell of it..Will it really make you smack your in-laws once you tasted it? that good huh?? hehehe..
Next time I come home for a visit, I will ask my uncle from GenSan to bring me fresh Durian..just to satisfy my curiosity about the smell.
Take care and I have a great weekend.

MOMnificent said...

Hehehe...Mommy you have to taste it and you'll surely love to eat it all over again and again. Hope one of these days you can visit Davao City with your Family.Have a great times always... Ingat!

Insights from the Grocery Cart said...

I've been to Davao hundreds of times. Even stayed there for the whole summer once. I just can't get beyond the smell.

My mom and dad LOVE it! They even ask relatives to buy durian ice cream.

Let's just say, durian is an acquired taste.
